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Being a people-centric company, giving a voice to our clients and employees, and then giving back – planting trees, giving glasses to people that can't afford them in order to see properly and joining the UN SDGs.

We are a B CORP

We are a B CORP

Social consciousness is at the core of Barner’s brand values, which is why we’re so proud to be a certified B corporation! Being a B Corp means that our company has been recognized for going above and beyond basic corporate social responsibility, and that our efforts are having a real global impact

Companies can obtain B Corp status by completing a 200-question assessment that evaluates everything from company structure and working conditions to sustainability initiatives and community action.








Unifying goal

What does it mean?

Being a B Corp means working towards a unique purpose: rather than strive to be the best company in the world, we strive to be the best we can be for the world.

To do that, we focus on five key categories that allow us to make a lasting difference around the world:


Joining the UN SDG’S

Joining the UN SDG’S

To inspire each of us — companies, brands, and people — to work towards a brighter, more sustainable future, the United Nations created the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The SDGs consist of 17 actionable steps that, when tackled as a global community, can move us towards a better world for all. They include initiatives that are meant to target key global issues like inequality and climate crisis through education, improved healthcare, poverty eradication, and environmental action.

The goal of the UN is to have these SDGs realized by the year 2030, a target that will require ongoing commitment from individuals and conscious companies alike. At Barner, we’re dedicated to being a part of this positive change.

The 4 goals we're committed to achieving

Giving back to society

Giving back to society

Deforestation has been responsible for increased pollution, floods, food shortage, species extinction, poverty, and forced migration around the world. At Barner, we’re committed to doing our part to fight this devastating driver of climate change. That’s why we’ve partnered with Tree-Nation, pledging to plant a tree for every order we receive.

Growing the Barner forest

Growing the Barner forest

There are over 500 million people living in developing countries with near vision impairment due to the lack of access to reading glasses. This is one of the biggest global health and economic problems. By giving a pair of reading glasses to people in need, we will enable them to work again, read again, and perform daily tasks again.

Working towards a better future

In case you've missed it

In case you've missed it

We spoke with the Barner founders and some of the team to get to know a few of the key aspects of what it takes to be a B Corp, how Barner qualified for B Corp status and what it means to them to be a B Corp.

Know The Facts

When did the first B Corps get certified?

It was in 2007, and there were 82 companies that made the cut.

Does B Corp certification last forever?

Nope! To maintain their certification, companies must recertify every three years.

How many B Corps are there globally?

Today, there are over 3,500 certified B Corps in more than 70 countries.

Who was the first certified B Corp?

Ben & Jerrys became the first-ever wholly-owned subsidiary to gain B Corp Certification.
