Occhiali da lettura

Con le nostre lenti organiche CR-39 e le nostre montature TR-90 di lunga durata, gli occhiali da lettura Barner's sono considerati uno degli occhiali da lettura di altissima qualità sul mercato.

Con l'evolversi del nostro comportamento quotidiano, dovrebbero evolversi anche i prodotti che utilizziamo. Ecco perché tutti i nostri occhiali da lettura hanno la nostra tecnologia a luce blu inclusa, così puoi proteggere e rilassare i tuoi occhi mentre leggi sui tuoi dispositivi digitali.

Estremamente comodo, leggero e resistente. Il tuo compagno perfetto per la tua vita quotidiana!


  • Black
  • black
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • brown
  • Clear
  • Green
  • Pink
  • Red
  • White
  • Yellow


  • blue light

Frame Shape

  • Aviator
  • Cat-Eye
  • Cat-eye
  • Geometric
  • Hexagonal
  • Rectangular
  • Round
  • Square


  • Bio Based
  • TR-90

Frame Width

  • Medium
  • Narrow
  • Wide

Color Pattern

  • Pattern
  • Solid
  • Transparent

Special Prices

  • -20%

Belleville €59


Belleville €59


Belleville €59


Belleville €59

Filtra per
blue light
Bio Based

Discover the Best Reading Glasses for Enhanced Daily Life

Reading glasses are essential tools for anyone experiencing presbyopia, a common condition that reduces the eye's ability to focus on close objects. Whether you need them for reading, working on a computer, or other close-up tasks, finding the right pair of reading glasses can significantly enhance your daily life. In this article, we will explore various types of reading glasses, including those with blue light blocking features, to help you discover the best options available.

Discover the Best Reading Glasses

When searching for the best reading glasses, it's important to consider both quality and comfort. Let's delve into some top options that cater to different needs and preferences.

Quality Reading Glasses for Every Need

Quality reading glasses are designed to provide clear vision and comfort. They often feature durable frames and precision lenses to ensure long-lasting performance. Investing in a good pair of reading glasses can make a significant difference in your reading experience.

Good Quality Reading Glasses for Daily Use

For daily use, it's crucial to have reading glasses that are comfortable and reliable. Good quality reading glasses typically offer a perfect blend of style, durability, and optical clarity. Look for features like lightweight frames, scratch-resistant lenses, and adjustable nose pads to ensure they fit well and withstand daily wear and tear.

Blue Light Glasses Readers

With the increasing use of digital devices, blue light glasses readers have become popular. These glasses not only aid in reading but also protect your eyes from the harmful effects of blue light emitted by screens.

Blue Light Reading Glasses for Enhanced Eye Protection

Blue light reading glasses are specifically designed to filter out blue light, which can cause eye strain and disrupt sleep patterns. These glasses are ideal for people who spend a lot of time reading on digital devices, offering enhanced eye protection and reducing the risk of digital eye strain.

Reading Glasses with Blue Light Filter for Maximum Comfort

Combining reading glasses with a blue light filter can provide maximum comfort for your eyes. These glasses help reduce glare and improve contrast, making it easier to read for extended periods without experiencing eye fatigue. They are perfect for avid readers and those who work on computers for long hours.

Blue Light Blocking Reading Glasses to Reduce Eye Strain

Blue light blocking reading glasses are designed to minimize eye strain caused by prolonged exposure to screens. These glasses often feature special coatings that block blue light, helping to maintain eye health and improve visual comfort. They are especially beneficial for people who read or work on digital devices late into the night.

Specialized Reading Glasses

Specialized reading glasses cater to specific needs, such as using computers or digital devices. These glasses often incorporate features like blue light blocking and anti-glare coatings to enhance your reading experience.

Computer Readers for Office Use

Computer readers are tailored for those who spend a significant amount of time working at a computer. These glasses typically have a slightly lower magnification than regular reading glasses, optimized for the distance between your eyes and the computer screen. They often include blue light filtering to reduce digital eye strain.

Screen Reading Glasses for Digital Device Users

Screen reading glasses are designed for people who frequently use digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. These glasses provide clear vision at the typical reading distance for these devices and usually include blue light blocking technology to protect your eyes from screen glare.

Blue Tinted Reading Glasses for Eye Relief

Blue tinted reading glasses offer a unique approach to eye relief. The blue tint helps reduce glare and increase contrast, making it easier to read in various lighting conditions. These glasses are particularly useful for reading in bright environments or under fluorescent lighting.

Anti Blue Light Reading Glasses for Improved Sleep

Using anti blue light reading glasses can help improve your sleep quality by blocking blue light that can interfere with your natural sleep-wake cycle. By wearing these glasses in the evening, you can reduce the impact of blue light on your circadian rhythm, making it easier to fall asleep and enjoy a restful night.

Reading Glasses for Computer Use: Protect Your Eyes

Reading glasses specifically designed for computer use are essential for protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of prolonged screen exposure. These glasses typically feature blue light blocking and anti-glare coatings to minimize eye strain and enhance visual comfort during extended computer use.

Popular Blue Light Blocking Readers

Blue light blocking readers are becoming increasingly popular due to their dual functionality in providing magnification for reading and protection from blue light. Here are some top choices in this category.

Readers Blue Light Glasses: Top Choices

When choosing readers with blue light blocking capabilities, consider options that offer a good balance of style, comfort, and optical clarity. Some of the top choices include glasses with lightweight frames, adjustable features, and high-quality blue light filters to ensure the best reading experience.

Reading Glasses with Blue Light: Enhance Your Reading Experience

Reading glasses with blue light blocking technology can significantly enhance your reading experience by reducing eye strain and improving visual comfort. These glasses are perfect for anyone who spends a lot of time reading on screens or under artificial lighting, helping you enjoy your favorite books and articles without discomfort.

By understanding the various types of reading glasses available and their specific benefits, you can make an informed decision that best suits your needs. Whether you require quality reading glasses for daily use or specialized blue light blocking readers for digital device use, there is a perfect pair out there for you.

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Reading glasses FAQs

Selezionare l'ingrandimento appropriato per i tuoi occhiali da lettura è fondamentale per una visione ottimale. È consigliabile consultare un optometrista che possa valutare le tue specifiche esigenze visive. Essi eseguiranno un esame degli occhi per determinare la forza di ingrandimento ideale che ti fornirà una visione chiara e confortevole durante la lettura.

Assolutamente sì! I nostri occhiali da lettura sono appositamente progettati con protezione dalla luce blu per alleviare l'affaticamento e il disagio agli occhi durante l'uso prolungato del computer. Questi occhiali presentano lenti che filtrano la dannosa luce blu emessa dagli schermi digitali, offrendoti un'esperienza più confortevole e rilassante mentre lavori al computer.

Sì, offriamo l'opzione di personalizzare i tuoi occhiali da lettura con lenti graduate. Comprendiamo l'importanza di occhiali personalizzati e il nostro team di professionisti può soddisfare le tue specifiche esigenze visive. Durante il processo di ordine, puoi fornire i dettagli della tua prescrizione e adatteremo i tuoi occhiali da lettura di conseguenza, garantendo una chiarezza visiva ottimale.

Di solito si consiglia di sostituire gli occhiali da lettura ogni 1-2 anni o come consigliato dal tuo professionista della cura degli occhi. Nel tempo, la tua vista potrebbe cambiare e l'aggiornamento regolare degli occhiali garantirà che tu abbia la prescrizione più accurata e una calzata comoda. Gli esami oculari regolari sono fondamentali per monitorare la salute dei tuoi occhi e determinare se sono necessari eventuali aggiustamenti o cambiamenti.

Certamente! Sappiamo che ogni persona ha caratteristiche facciali uniche e trovare il paio di occhiali da lettura giusto che si adatti alla forma del tuo viso è essenziale. La nostra collezione include una varietà di forme e dimensioni di montature per adattarsi a diverse forme del viso, garantendo una calzata comoda e alla moda per tutti.

Una corretta pulizia e manutenzione contribuiranno a prolungare la durata dei tuoi occhiali da lettura. Raccomandiamo di utilizzare una soluzione di sapone delicato e acqua insieme a un panno in microfibra morbido per pulire le lenti e le montature. Evita di utilizzare prodotti chimici aggressivi o materiali abrasivi, in quanto potrebbero danneggiare i rivestimenti delle lenti o le montature. Inoltre, conserva i tuoi occhiali da lettura in una custodia protettiva quando non li usi per evitare graffi e mantenerli al sicuro.

Comprendiamo che trovare la calzata perfetta è fondamentale per il tuo comfort e la tua soddisfazione. Se i tuoi occhiali da lettura non si adattano come previsto, offriamo una politica di reso e scambio senza complicazioni. Ti preghiamo di contattare il nostro dedicato team di supporto clienti e ti guideranno attraverso il processo di restituzione o scambio dei tuoi occhiali per assicurarti di trovare la calzata ideale.
